Who is your Landlord

Who is your Landlord
Who is your Landlord

About the Project

WhoseYourLandlord is a web platform connecting quality renters with quality home providers. Through up to date listings, home provider reviews, and verified renter information, WYL creates an environment based on accountability, transparency, and efficiency. From the homepage renters can search for available listings in their desired area, view listings results blended with the home provider’s reviews, select which apartment(s) they’re interested in, fill in their information and get it verified in real time, and submit their inquiry to the home provider.

“Envato is an Australia-based, privately held company that specializes in the start-up, promotion and operation of multiple online marketplaces”
“After co-founding the company in 2006 the group launched FlashDen, the first digital marketplace which focused on rich multimedia web content”
“The Envato network is broken down into Tuts+ tutorial sites which offer technology-related tutorials and marketplaces to sell digital products. Envato's network currently generates over a million dollars in annual revenue”

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